Tuesday, April 26, 2011

You remember when you were taught to pay attention? Yeah, I guess I don't...

While on a trip to New York for work this week, I had to ride the subway to my destination (a first for me). Now, I'm used to Chicago L trains. Color coded, you stand on the BLUE PLATFORM to take the BLUE TRAIN...

I had no idea that when you hit up the platform for the 4 train in New York, the 2, 3, and 5 also stop there. So PAY ATTENTION to the sign on the side of the train. I ended up two stops down before I realized my oops, and then went I went to rush off at the next stop, I totally ATE IT on the concrete in my haste to exit the train.

Since I'm typing this, I very obviously survived, and I made it to my destination (45 minutes late), but I'm pretty sure a little piece of my pride is left down on that Atlantic St. platform. LOL!

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